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Coming in November

7 November

Sit and Sew, Show and Tell

Susan Lees "Me and My Quilts" - Susan is going to talk to us about her quilting journey and show us examples of her work.  We look forward to what will be a very interesting presentation.

21 November

Part 6 of the Hawaiian Quilt Along - this is the final part of our journey and we will discuss how we are going to actually quilt it.

Also : Bring and Buy Sale - please feel free to donate anything you think might be appealing to your fellow members, sewing related or otherwise.  Plants, preserves, etc. all OK.  We will have fabric for sale as well as a few things from the exhibition sales table (prices reduced!).  PLEASE REMEMBER TO BRING CASH.......

All proceeds are for Campden Quilters, we are hoping not to have to increase the annual subscription next February if we can keep raising money from little in-house sales such as this.


10th Anniversary Exhibition

Our anniversary exhibition was a huge success in every way!

The weather was kind to us, we welcomed visitors from all over the world as well as locals and quilters, our quilts were admired, the cakes were delicious, the sales table and tombola very popular and the raffle raised £500 for Sue Ryder Charity.

A huge thank you goes to Jackie and her team for the months of preparation to ensure all went well on the weekend.  Another big thank you goes to all members of Campden Quilters who lent quilts, made and/or donated items for the sales table and tombola, those of you who made cakes, sold raffle tickets, were on duty over the weekend and advertised the event.     

The winner of the "Visitor's Choice Quilt" was announced at our meeting on 19 September - Evelyn and her Hedgerow Quilt!  Well done Evelyn, you thoroughly deserve it.

Many pictures were taken but here are a few.....

Coming in October.......

3rd October - Sit and Sew, Show and Tell.  Bring along your latest creation to work on and show us what you have completed.

17 October - member led workshop with Teresa to make a project pouch.

Requirements - sewing machine and usual sewing kit.

We are aiming to make a pouch 12" square, you could make any size but this is a start to learn the technique.

One mini charm pack, or a piece of fabric or an orphan block you like (must be minimum 12.5" x 12.5") 

2 fat quarters of co-ordinating fabric (each a different print)

quarter yard binding fabric

Super clips for holding in place (pins no good on vinyl)

14" x 14" piece of batting

14" x 9" piece of heavy vinyl (Teresa will have some of this that you can have for a small donation)

14" or longer zipper

Cutting instructions:

From one of the FQs cut a 15" x 15" piece

From the other FQ cut a 14" by 6" piece (or this can be made up from the remaining charm squares) and a 14" x 4" piece.

From the binding fabric, cut (2) 2.5" x width of fabric pieces.

31st October - Karen McIlwraith "Tumbling Blocks by Machine" workshop 10am until 4pm

Karen will be coming to us to show us how to make the machined version of the tumbling blocks quilt. She will bring some plains and jelly rolls with her on the day and we are welcome to call the shop on 01926 408247 with our preferred colourway (reds/ greens/ blues etc.) and she can prepare a kit for us.

Cost will be £20 for the day, you will need to bring your own lunch but tea, coffee and biscuits available all day.

There is a sign up list to which you can add your name.


All fabrics need to be 100% cotton, quilting-weight fabrics.

  • 1.5m light fabric (block tops)
  • 1m contrasting fabric for border
  • A Jelly Roll with good range of medium and dark fabrics OR
    • 1m medium fabric (block sides) & 1m dark fabric (block fronts)
  • Backing & Wadding (not required on the day!)


Sewing Kit

  • Sewing machine with instruction book
  • Rotary cutter & board
  • 6½” square ruler
  • 18”+ long ruler will be helpful
  • Coordinating thread(s)
  • Fabric scissors
  • Fabric marking pen
  • Dressmaking/Quilting pins

At the meeting on 5 September we unfurled our 10th Anniversary Quilt, the blocks for which have been made by our members.  Teresa led the project, collected all the blocks, put them together, made the quilt sandwich, added the wording and quilted it, then it was handed to Chris Smith to add the binding.

So a big thank you to Teresa for co-ordinating this project - we look forward to seeing it displayed at each of our meetings.

Jenny Stoner's presentation "Me and My Quilts"

On 16 May Jenny brought along 4 bags of her quilts that she had made over the years. This came about from a chance remark someone made that it's a shame all these beautiful quilts are hidden away in boxes and suitcases or heaped up on the spare bed - they really need to be seen and admired!  So Jenny's presentation is the first of what we hope will take place a couple of times a year.  She also brought along 2 photograph albums because obviously a lot of her quilts have been given away as presents but mostly she managed to photograph them before they left her.  

Well done Jenny - we all thoroughly enjoyed seeing your quilts!

Delivery of NHS Property Bags 

Following a wonderful effort by Campden Quilters, 28 property bags have been delivered to Gloucester NHS Trust to be distributed to hospitals in the area.  The end of life care team have expressed their huge thanks to all of us for making these bags.  I am sure they will let us know if they need more.....

Thank you team - you were brilliant!

See below for information about the Hawaiian Quilt Along

Hawaiian Quilt Along 2024

This is a bi-monthly class led by Rachelle and Chris Smith where you add to the quilt every other month and you will end up with a beautiful quilt involving some interesting techniques.  Do join in the fun and watch your creation grow throughout the year!  

Requirements list has been sent out so you can get your fabrics together and Part One has been rolled out.  If you need any of the instructions again please get in touch.

Part Two was launched on 21st March and you will all have had the cutting instructions etc emailed out to you. Again, you will have 2 months to complete Part 2.


Part 3 was launched on 16th May so by the end of July to stay on track you will need to have added the blocks around the central panel and prepared the 4 Hawaiian corner blocks.

Part 4 was launched on 18 July - these are the 4 flying geese borders to which you will add your 4 corner Hawaiian blocks.  To stay on track you will need to have completed this part by the end of September.

You are now nearing the end.......

Part 5 was launched on 19 September - this is the final plain border before you start to make your quilt sandwich.  Of course, if you wish to add another border it is entirely up to you but this completes the original pattern.

Please speak to Rachelle or Chris Smith if you have any queries......


If you would like to have a sale the cost of a table is £10 and you get to keep all the money you make (so you can buy more fabric......)!  If you only have a small amount to sell you could buddy up with a friend and pay £5 each.  Please see any member of the committee who will arrange a date to book you in at one of our "sit and sew" meetings.

Campden Quilters Shop

We have a wonderful quilters shop here at Campden Quilters where you can buy basics at a competitive price.  So if you break a needle, run out of thread, have a blunt rotary blade etc. etc. we can replace it for you!  Remember - Jenny also supplies 80-20 wadding 90" wide.  See home page for latest prices.

Jenny's Back to Basics Block of the Month 2022

Here are some of the completed Back To Basics quilts and we look forward to seeing more as 2023 progresses!

December 2023 : there is still one more BOM quilt to be finished!




Christine Smith


Chris Smith

Angie Weaver


Evelyn Lyon